GIRL DIRECTOR: A How-To Guide for the First-Time, Flat-Broke Film and Video Maker (Ten Speed Press)
GIRL DIRECTOR offers insights and advice from the greatest female directors in the business. Learn everything you need to know about low-to-no budget moviemaking, including:
*WHAT type of movie to make and what to put in it
*HOW to make it happen (cool techniques like framing your shots, lighting, editing, animation and special effects)
*WHERE to find your equipment (from that old Super 8 camera in your parents’ attic to borrowing a camcorder or using computer equipment)
*WHO to show your flick to (organizing your own film festivals and putting together your screenings)
* and MORE! And for inspiration, Girl Director throws in information about women directors–past and present–so that you can find, enjoy and learn from other flicks by independent chicks.
Andrea Richards
GIRL DIRECTOR: A How-To Guide for the First-Time, Flat-Broke Film and Video Maker (Ten Speed Press)
*WHAT type of movie to make and what to put in it
*HOW to make it happen (cool techniques like framing your shots, lighting, editing, animation and special effects)
*WHERE to find your equipment (from that old Super 8 camera in your parents’ attic to borrowing a camcorder or using computer equipment)
*WHO to show your flick to (organizing your own film festivals and putting together your screenings)
* and MORE! And for inspiration, Girl Director throws in information about women directors–past and present–so that you can find, enjoy and learn from other flicks by independent chicks.